Even if you don't like it the idea that's no reason to flame this post. So think about that before you shoot it down. I reckon that Fallout would be easier to remake (simply because of it's size) but who knows if this idea really takes off then maybe a remake of Fallout 2 could make an appearance, but hey it's better to walk before you can run, eh?įirst off, though this idea has to survive even being mentioned. While I myself can't do much more than through this idea out in to the wastes to see if someone picks it up that's better than nothing. It would be nice if someone or a group of somebodies could get together and remake Fallout using the new engine featured in Fallout 3.
Sortly after Half Life 2 came out they used the source engine to remake the original game using the new and updated graphics.
For some unknown reason my new computer can't run Fallout or Fallout 2. It's great fun, very true to the legacy and a real homage, but it makes me miss the originals. Having played through the first few missions of Fallout 3, I've come to realise a couple of things but mainly Fallout 3 is not Fallout. Duck and Cover Forum Index » Fallout Editing